This week Georgiann Keller shares some signficiant signs of fall in the Garden, most notably the leaves of the crepe myrtle tree. These leaves have officially changed colors from vibrant green to shades of red and gold. The crepe myrtle trees are located near the Rare Fruit Orchard, where you’ll also find the crapapple blossoms from last week’s What’s Blooming blog. Fall is also a time for planting. The Pollination Garden is being replanted with California natives. To learn more about its transformation read the blog Autumn is for Planting, by Director of Living Collections Terry Huang. After learning more about what’s blooming in the Garden, make sure to come see it all in person! 



Photos from the Garden

California buckwheat


Bush sunflowers



Japanese Aurelia

Kitchen garden


Tree aloe

Variegated aloe

Pyracantha berries

Loquat tree blooms

Carob tree blooms

Crêpe myrtle trees

White floss silk trees


Want to see these blooms in person? Garden Tickets can be found here.