This week’s What’s Blooming is full of aloes! Take a listen as Georgiann Keller shares some of her favorite aloes that are blooming along with other blooming flora in the audio blog below. Make sure to scroll through the pictures below to get a sense of what you should be looking for during your visit, then put on a sweater and invite your friends to come explore the Garden together.
Photos from the Garden
Hybrid aloe (A. ferox x arborescens)
Firecracker flower (Justicia floribunda)
Candy corn plant (Cuphea micropetala)
African cornflag (Chasmanthe floribunda)
Hybrid native salvia (Salvia ‘Bee’s Bliss’)
Hybrid bearded iris (Iris x germanica)
Calla lily cultivar (Zantedeschia aethiopica ‘Green Goddess’)
Want to see what’s blooming in person? Purchase Garden Admission tickets here.