As we enter fall, the Fuchsia Garden is showing us that it has staying power with many of the flowers that bloomed in spring are still going strong. The same can be true for the Dahlia Garden which has plenty of new blooms that are photo worthy. The gardeners have done an amazing job keeping the newly named Dorothy and John Bohannon Rose Garden blooming as well, with Gemini tea roses and True Live floribundas roses currently in full bloom. It’s definitely a week to visit the Garden. Find out more in Georgiann Keller’s audio blog below and don’t forget to make your reservations online in advance!
Photos from the Garden
Top: Myrtle’s Folly (left) and Snowbound. Bottom: Thomas Edison (left) and Kelvin floodlight
The Garden has remained open to serve the community by being a place to encourage wellness and health through nature and open space. Please help keep us open by considering a gift to the Garden. You can do so here.