November is here and the Garden is still so full of life. Due to cold mornings and warm afternoons, we are seeing several areas of the Garden still in bloom – most notably the Fuschia Garden and the Dorothy and John Bohannon Rose Garden where you’re now able to see the moon flowers and morning glories blooming at the same time! Despite the unique weather pattern and the burst of blooms, some fall foliage is starting to show in some of our oak trees. Make sure to listen to Georgiann Keller’s audio blog below to learn more, then invite a friend to explore our 87 acres and find these blooms in person. 


Photos from the Garden

‘First love’ fuchsia

Bonnie Doan’ fuchsia

Bright Morning’ fuchsia

‘Galfrey Lye’ fuchsia

Rotheca myricoides

Abutilon or flowering maple

Sparkle and shine, floribunda rose

Peggy Martin found rose

Clark’s heavenly blue morning glories

Moon flowers in the morning

Gemini hybrid tea rose


Northern red oak tree

Acorns on oak seedlings

Orange dragon, or jammy mouth


Want to see what’s blooming in person? Get tickets to the Garden here