The summer solstice is this Thursday, June 20, officially marking the beginning of summer. With the warm weather comes an array of tropical plants and flowers that thrive in hot and humid weather. To learn more about what’s blooming in the Garden, make sure to listen to Georgiann Keller’s audio blog below. Then put on some sunscreen and make your way over to see these beauties in person. If you come on the weekend, you can cool down with a nice cold drink from Dottie’s at the Koi Pond, open Saturdays and Sundays from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Enjoy!



Photos from the Garden

Rose cactus (Rhodocactus grandifolius var. violacea)

Mangave hybrid (x Mangave “Moonglow PP29195) 

Sago palm (Cycas revoluta)

Hybrid fuchsia (Fuchsia x ‘Galfrey Nye’)

Hybrid fuchsia (Fuchsia x ‘Nicis Findling’)

Hybrid fuchsia (Fuchsia x ‘First Love’)

Hybrid fuchsia (Fuchsia x ‘Peachy’)

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus)

Sulfur cosmos (Cosmos sulphureus)

Giant wildrye (Leymus condensatus)

Lobelia tupa

Mexican sage cultivar (Salvia mexicana ‘Limelight’)

Hummingbird sage (Salvia spathacea)

Canna x generalis

Candy corn plant (Cuphea micopetala) 

Showy penstemon (Penstemon spectabilis)

Angel trumpet (Brugmansia x ‘Charles Grimaldi’)

Angel’s trumpet (Brugmansia x insignis)

Hybrid angel’s trumpet (Brugmansia x ‘Pink Velvet’)

Algerian sea lavender (Limonium ramosissimum)

Cleveland sage selection (Salvia clevelandii ‘Betsy Clebsch’)

Cliff spurge (Euphorbia misera)

California buckeye (Aesculus californica)

Matilija poppy (Romneya coulteri)

Red-flowering buckwheat (Eriogonum grande var. rubescens)

Baja spurge (Euphorbia xanti)

Hybrid canna (Canna x generalis)

Dragon arum (Dracunculus vulgaris)

Velvet centaurea (Centaurea gymnocarpa)


Want to see what’s blooming in person, click here for Garden admission tickets.