If you walk into the butterfly pavilion right now, you’re sure to see quite a few of our Butterfly of the Week, the golden longwing (also known as Heliconius hecale). This beautiful species has black wings with striking white and rust patterns on them. While you can usually find this species anywhere between Mexico and Peru, you’ll find it in abundance in our SOAR – Tropical Butterflies exhibit right now. But first, here are some fun facts about it so you can get to know this special member of the Garden family.
Fun facts
- Golden longwings are known by many names, including Hecale longwing, tiger longwing or golden heliconian.
- They are in the Nymphalidae family.
- Their estimated lifespan is about a month.
- They are generally found in forested areas in South America.
- Adults love to eat nectar and collect pollen – Lantana is one of their favorite food sources.
- The striking patterns they display have evolved over time to copy patterns of similar, poisonous species as a way to keep predators at bay.
Want to see one for yourself? Make sure to get your tickets to SOAR today!
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