While we usually concentrate on the latest blooms, this week’s What’s Blooming also highlights all the plants that have fruit appearing now that the weather is warming up. The Garden’s many critters will enjoy these snacks in the coming months, but we ask that you please leave them on the trees and avoid picking any of the fruit. And of course, we still take a look at some of the most dramatic blooms throughout the Garden right now. So take a listen below!
Photos from the Garden
Nolina longifolia (Mexican grass palm) at Palm Circle
Beaucarnea recurvata (ponytail palm)
Dasylirion longissimum (Mexican grass tree)
The Garden relies on generous donations from our Members, visitors and community to keep access to our 87 acres open for all and to provide unique horticultural experiences that help people find connections with nature. Please help us continue this mission for years to come by considering a gift to the Garden. You can do so here.