Our large Coral Tree (Erythrina caffra) in the children’s garden lost one of four main trunks and after an evaluation from the Department of Parks and Recreation arborist, it was determined that the tree needs to be removed.
This beloved tree was planted during the development of the promenade area and children’s garden sometime in the 1980s. Coral trees are a fast-growing species in Southern California and are native to eastern South Africa. With growth to 24-40′ tall and 40-60′ wide they prefer well-drained or sandy soils and this tree has been growing in the heavy clay soil of the children’s garden space. The soil issue and heavy rains produced excessive growth and weakened the tree’s branching structure. Despite regular maintenance and trimming, it has lost many branches over the last several years.
The tree will be removed this month, after which you will see construction fencing go up as we refresh the space to create a pollination garden that will open this summer. The construction of the new Marilyn and John Long Children and Family Garden, located near the Banyan Grove, will continue through 2024.
The garden staff has enjoyed watching kids and kids at heart make memories around the Coral Tree and its presence will be missed.
“And all the lives we ever lived and all the lives to be are full of trees and changing leaves.”
-Virginia Woolf, English writer