Credit: Mike Mathews, Passionfruit
Credit: Mike Mathews

Thank you for choosing to visit South Coast Botanic Garden. The Garden is an 87-acre, outdoor, natural area garden. The main Tram Road around the perimeter of the Garden is just over a mile in length, with some inclines. Accessibility to all paths and unpaved trails may be challenging and some paths may not be accessible at all to mobility devices. Please use the following general rules for mobility devices:

  • Service Animals. Service Animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Under California law, dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA requirements. Under the ADA, service animals must be harnessed leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices.
  • Walkers. Generally speaking, walkers can be used around the Garden. Some unpaved trails that are steep or have stairs will not be accessible.
  • Wheelchairs. The use of wheelchairs in the garden is limited to the immediate 10 acres surrounding the Administration buildings. These areas are flatter and either have asphalt or DG (decomposed granite hard packed surface) paths.  These paths are ADA compliant and are wide enough to permit wheelchair access. The main Tram Road around the perimeter of the Garden is asphalt paved, but there are inclines so it may be somewhat inaccessible for manual wheelchairs. Please also take into consideration the fitness of the companion helping to push the wheelchair.
  • Motorized wheelchairs or scooters. The Garden is a pedestrian garden, and no motorized devices are allowed, unless they are for mobility issues. Motorized wheelchairs and motorized scooters can generally be used in more places around the Garden. But please, use extreme caution when on any unpaved trails. There are some trails that will not be accessible to motorized devises.

laurie rennie - wedding gazeboIf you do need to bring a mobility device to the Garden, please exercise caution. There are plenty of benches and shaded areas in which to rest. Please note – we do not provide walkers, wheelchairs, or scooters. If you have any further questions or inquiries please call Guest Services at (424) 452-0920 or email to [email protected].

We hope you enjoy your visit to the Garden.