While there are a few more weeks of summer, we are already seeing signs throughout the Garden that fall is on its way.  And with cooler temperatures in the morning, we can also feel the transition happening. It’s one of our favorite season to take a walk in the Garden. Listen to Georgiann Keller’s latest audio blog below to learn more about some of the early fall blooms we are seeing, including the bright pink foliage on the silk floss trees. Georigann also walks you through some exciting new plantings that the Garden’s horticulture team has been hard at work on. Once you’re done listening, make sure to grab your tickets to see it all in person!



Photos from the Garden

Floss silk tree (Ceiba speciosa)

Ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata)

Fairy lily (Zephyranthes candida)

Hybrid fuchsias – Fuchsia x ‘Tom West’ (left), Fuchsia x ‘Jan Jolie’ (center) and Fuchsia x ‘SunRay’ (right)

Hybrid fuchsia (Fuchsia x ‘Voodoo’)

African daisies (Dimorphotheca sp.)

Hybrid tropical hibiscus (Hibiscus x rosa-sinesis)

Brazilian butterfly tree (Bauhinia forficata)

Hybrid plumeria (Plumeria x rubra)

Princess flower (Tibouchina urvilleana)

Orange daylily (Hemerocallis fulva ‘Kwanso’)

Oxblood Lily (Rhodophiala bifida)

Hybrid bottlebrush (Callistemon x ‘Cane’s Hybrid’)

Orange orchid bush (Bauhinia galpinii)

Giant yucca (Yucca gigantea)

Texas wild olive (Cordia bossieri)

Yellow strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum)

Forest gardenia (Gardenia thunbergia)

Orange flame vine (Combretum fruticosum)

Golden raintree (Koelreuteria paniculata)