One of the first signs of fall at the Garden is the vibrant pink blooms of the floss silk tree, which appear just as many other flowers begin to fade. While fall may not be known for its blooms, it’s a fantastic time to enjoy the rich variety of colors and foliage that make our landscape so beautiful. Take a look at the photos below and listen to Georgiann Keller’s audio blog to discover what’s thriving in the Garden this week. Then, grab a ticket and come see the subtle signs of fall in person!


Photo’s from the Garden: 

Floss silk tree (Ceiba speciosa)

Southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora)

Golden polypody (Phlebodium aureum)

Silver lace fern (Pteris ensiformis)

Leather leaf fern (Rumohra adiantiformis)

Red Absinian banana (Ensete ventricosum ‘Maurelii’)

Hybrid coleus (Coleus x scutellarioides)

Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus)

Brazilian bachelors button (Centratherum punctatum)

Arabian jasmine (Jasminum sambac)

Chocolate Daisy (Berlandiera lyrata)

Ornamental oregano (Origanum x ‘Kent Beauty’)

Hardy tapioca (Manihot grahamii)

Hybrid plumeria (Plumeria x rubria) underplanting of Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus)

Hybrid plumeria inside the greenhouse (Plumeria x rubra)

Coastal spider lily (Hymenocallis latifolia)

Species anthurium (Anthurium sp.)

Sea squill (Drimia maritima)

Mexican palo verde (Parkinsonia aculeata)

Dragon fruit (Selenicereus undatus)

Rose mallow (Hibiscus lasiocarpos var. occidentalis) (californicus)


Want to see what’s growing in the Garden in person?