October is winding down as we get further into fall, but there are still pockets of vibrant blooms throughout the Garden! Step into Palm Circle, and you’ll be welcomed by the vivid magenta blooms of the floss silk tree. As you wander further into the Fuchsia Garden, you’ll find several of our hanging fuchsias putting on a colorful display. To hear more about what’s currently in bloom, listen to Georgiann Keller’s audio blog below. Then, come experience these seasonal beauties in person at the Garden!
Photos from the Garden
Floss silk tree (Ceibaspeciosa)
Camillia (Camelliasasanqua)
Hybrid fuchsia (Fuchsia ‘First Love’)
Hybrid fuchsia (Fuchsia ‘Jingle Bells’)
Hybrid fuchsia (Fuchsia ‘Blackie’)
Hybrid fuchsia (Fuchsia ‘Voodoo’)
Mangave (x Mangave ‘Silver Fox’)
Yellow Angle Trumpet (Brugmansia x ‘Charles Grimaldi’)
Pink rose (Rosa x ‘RADyod’ KNOCKOUT® Blushing™)
Chinese Fringe flower (Loropetalumchinense var. rubrum)
Candalbrum agave (Agavebracteosa)
Sea squill (Drimiamaritima)
Sand lily (Velthemiacapensis)
Double white Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia x ‘Double White’)