There is no better way to clear your mind than a nice walk through the Garden’s 87 acres on a brisk fall morning. And there is plenty to see! You don’t have to go far to start seeing some of the latest blooms, and given all the work the Garden’s Horticulture team has been doing, we can’t wait to see what’s to come. Take a listen to Georgiann Keller’s latest audio blog below to learn more about these latest blooms, where to see some fall colors, and what to look out for in the weeks to come!


Photos from the Garden

Ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata)

Butterfly bush (Rotheca myricoides ‘Ugandense’)

Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) and 4 Chinese forget-me-not (Cynoglossum amabile)

Hybrid African daisy (Dimorphotheca sp.)

Gazania (Gazania linearis)

Angel’s trumpet (Brugmansia x insignis)

Variegated bromeliad (Aechmea caudata)

Hybrid elephant ear (Alocasia ‘Sumo’)

Giant elephant ear (Alocasia macrorrhiza)

Philippine violet (Barleria cristata)

Mistletoe cactus (Rhipsalis baccifera)

Paperwhite (Narcissus papyraceus)

Red oak (Quercus sp.)

Rain lily (Zephyranthes x ‘Prairie Sunset’)

Tree daisy (Montanoa leucantha)

Persimmon (Diospyros kaki)