The holiday season has officially begun, and the Garden is ready to celebrate! Adding a festive touch, the toyon and firethorn plants are showing off their vibrant red berries, beautifully contrasted against lush green leaves—a natural display of the season’s classic colors. To discover more about what’s blooming, don’t miss Georgiann Keller’s audio blog below. Then grab your sweater, lace up your walking shoes and head to the Garden for a post-Thanksgiving dinner stroll!

Photos from the Garden

Plant kiosk

Flowering maple (Abutilon sp)

Rush (Juncus patens)

Cattails (Typha angustifolia)

Hybrid African daisies (Dimorphotheca sp.)

cigar plant (Cuphea ‘David Verity’)

Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans)

Macdougall’s century plant (Furcraea Macdougallii)

Coastal spider lily (Hymenocallis latifolia)

Hybrid Aloe (Aloe hybrid) yellow flowers

Hybrid Aloe (Aloe hybrid) large orange flowers

Hybrid crown of thorns (Euphorbia milii hybrid)

Dragon fruit (Selenicereus undatus)

Bird of paradise (Strelitzia reginae)

Toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia)

Mole Poblano Mexican Chocolate Scarlet Sage (Salvia gesneriflora ‘Mole Poblano’)

Firethorn (Pyracantha coccinea)


Want to see what’s blooming in the Garden this week?