This week marks the opening of the Garden’s brand new Staghorn Fern Collection, located near the Living Wall. This redesigned area has many new plants to view and a new aesthetic with plenty of seating. During our GLOW exhibit, the area transforms as our food and beverage location, but during the day it’s the perfect spot to stop and take a rest or chat with a friend. While that’s definitely a highlight this week, there are plenty of other new blooms to see in the Garden this week as well, just take a listen to Georgiann Keller’s latest audio blog below!
Photos from the Garden
Garden beds in the new Staghorn Fern Collection
Garden beds in the new Staghorn Fern Collection
Garden beds in the new Staghorn Fern Collection
Garden beds in the new Staghorn Fern Collection
Bromeliad bed in the Staghorn Fern Collection
Red begonias around the Duchess of Elba sculpture
Montanoa tomentosa or Mexican zoapatle plant
The Garden relies on generous donations from our Members, visitors and community to keep access to our 87 acres open for all and to provide unique horticultural experiences that help people find connections with nature. Please help us continue this mission for years to come by considering a gift to the Garden. You can do so here.