There’s a lot to see in the Garden this week, but make sure you take it all in with more than just your eyes. Using all of your senses will allow you to fully take in what the Garden has to offer this week, from the spicy smell of the Curry plant to the soft feel of oriental fountain grass. Find out more in this week’s latest What’s Blooming audio blog by volunteer Georgiann Keller. 


Photos from the Garden

Oriental poppies
Oriental poppies

African Iris
African Iris

Red gladiolus
Red gladiolus

Blue agapanthus & bird of paradise
Blue agapanthus & Bird of Paradise

Tall slipper plant
Tall slipper plant

Whale Tongue Agave
Whale Tongue Agave

Aloe distant with aloe arborescense in the background
Aloe distant with aloe arborescense in the background

Rose Cactus
Rose Cactus

Crown of thorns in the cactus collection
Crown of thorns in the cactus collection

Rogers red grapes
Rogers red grapes

Oriental fountain grass
Oriental fountain grass

Curry plant
Curry plant

Crêpe myrtle trees
Crepe myrtle trees

Chitalpa trees
Chitalpa trees

Pomegranate blooms
Pomegranate blooms

Slender palm Lily
Slender palm Lily

The Garden has remained open to serve the community by being a place to encourage wellness and health through nature and open space. Please help keep us open for years to come by considering a gift to the Garden. You can do so here.