We’re about halfway through the summer season and our blooms show no signs of slowing down. From small, delicate begonias to our giant birds of paradise, the Garden is teaming with blooms of all shapes and sizes. To learn more about what’s blooming in the Garden this week, listen to Georgiann Keller’s audio blog below. Take notes of what you’d like to see and invite a freind to help you find them in person! While these pictures are beatuiful, theres nothing like seeing a flower in nature.
Photos from the Garden
Hybrid fuchsia (Fuchsia x ‘Nicis Finding’)
Hybrid fuchsia (Fuchsia x ‘Tom West’)
Hybrid fuchsia (Fuchsia x ‘Ruth West’)
Hybrid fuchsia (Fuchsia x ‘Voodoo’)
Poinsettia (Euphorbiapulcherrima)
Hybrid begonias (Begonia ssp.)
Hybrid begonia (Begonia x ‘Bepared’ Dragon Wing®️Red)
Giant bird of paradise (Strelitzianicolai)
Sausage tree (Kigeliaafricana)
Lacebark tree (Brachychitondiscolor)
Gold medallion tree (Cassialeptophylla)
Gardenia selection (Gardeniajasminoides ‘Aimee’ First Love®️)
Uruguayan firecracker plant (Diclipterasquarrosa)
Moreton Bay Chestnut (Castanospermumaustrale)
showy honey myrtle (Melaleucanesophila)
Hybrid dahlias (Dahlia ssp.)
Hybrid dahlias (Dahlia ssp.)
summer hyacinth (Ornithogalumcandicans)
Sweet peas (Lathyrus x odoratus ‘Old Times’)
Hybrid swamp rose-mallow (Hibiscus x moscheutos ‘Balhibred’ Luna™️ Red)
Want to see these beautiful blooms in person? Tickets to the Garden can be found here.