This winter has not been like the winters of the past. The warm dry weather has caused a few of our flowers bloom earlier this year than usual. One of these flowers is the paperwhite flowers in the Amphitheater Lawn. Make sure to check them out before they’re done blooming for the season. To learn more about what’s blooming, make sure to listen to Georgiann Keller’s audio blog below. Then grab a sweater before heading over to the Garden to see these blooms in person.
Photos from the Garden
Mountain aloe (Aloe marlothii)
Mother of thousands (Kalanchoe daigremontiana) and aeonium (Aeonium arboreum)
Sasanqua camellia (Camellia sasanqua)
Cardboard palm (Zamia furfuracea)
hybrid southern Indian azalea (Rhododendron x indicum)
Shrubby fuchsia (Fuchsia paniculata)
Brilliant fuchsia (Fuchsia fulgens)
Toothed fuchsia (Fuchsia denticulata)
Tazetta-type daffodil (Narcissus x tazetta)
Hybrid seaside daisy (Erigeron x ‘Wayne Roderick’)
Nasturtium (Tropaeolummajus)
Queen’s tears (Bilbergianutans)
Knife-leaf wattle (Acaciacultriformis)
Hybrid aloe (Aloe sp.)
Species aloe (Aloeelegans)
Red aloe (Aloecameronii )
Hybrid aloe (Aloe sp.)
Medusa’s head (Euphorbiacaput–medusae)
Dragon fruit (Selenicereusundatus)
Taiwan cherry (Prunuscampanulata)
Paperwhite (Narcissuspapyraceus)
Paperwhite (Narcissuspapyraceus) and pot marigold (Calendulaofficinalis)
Hybrid bromeliad (Aechmea sp.)
Ready to see what’s blooming in the Garden in person?