On your way to see the latest dahlias in bloom, be sure to stop by the Koi pond in the Japanese Garden, which is also a great spot if you’re in need of some shade. Continue on to see the latest “dinner plate” dahlias currently in bloom, including the two pictured below. Next, look at the similarities and differences between the Purple Prince Bush Violet and the Coral Creeper along Tram Road. Details of where to find these beauties and more of the latest blooms can be found by listening to Georgiann Keller’s latest “What’s Blooming in the Garden” audio below! 


Photos from the Garden

Koi pond
Koi pond

Emory Paul & Snow Bound Dahlia
Emory Paul & Snow Bound Dahlia

Purple Prince Bush Violet & Coral Creeper
Purple Prince Bush Violet & Coral Creeper

Agave verschaffeltii with Silver Torch as a backdrop


Mexican Weeping Bamboo
Mexican Weeping Bamboo

Long flowered Marlock
Long flowered Marlock

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