In a year that has thrown us curve balls and put up obstacles that forced us to reroute over and over, we have a lot to be thankful for. First and foremost, we are thankful for our Members and Garden visitors who have helped keep us open with their continued support, especially as they too were rocked by the uncertainty of today’s world. That support helped us sell out our first weekend of GLOW, a feat we hoped for but didn’t necessarily expect. With your ongoing support, we hope to continue to bring new and exciting exhibits and engagement opportunities to the Garden for years to come.
We’d also like to take the time to thank our board members, donors and sponsors who are responsible for allowing us the opportunity to host GLOW. We are indebted to your generosity and hope you feel as proud as we are to be part of such a visually stunning exhibition that is offering families a respite during these times. We have received many thanks for not only remaining open throughout the pandemic, but for putting our visitors first and providing safe opportunities for them to see nature in new ways. And that is because of our donors, sponsors and board members. Join us in thanking them below!
GLOW Gold Sponsor
GLOW Silver Sponsors
Karen and Mike Melideo
Pamela Reis
GLOW Bronze Sponsor
Dottie and Allen Lay
GLOW Community Sponsors
Judy Borck
Marcia and Mike Schoettle
Teresa and Mike Molina
Twanna and Tim Rogers
GLOW Sponsors
Aryan Papoli and Abas Goodarzi
Jan and James Gardner
Janet Marott
John Sealy, MD
Lynn and Steve Lord
MacLean and MacLeod Families
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Morgan Stanley/The Bunker Hill Group
Sandra and Kenneth Pickar
West Basin Municipal Water District
GLOW Media Sponsors
The Garden has remained open to serve the community by being a place to encourage wellness and health through nature and open space. Please help keep us open by considering a gift to the Garden. You can do so here.