Summer officially begins in June, and that requires some celebration. In fact, there is a LOT to celebrate in the month of June. National Trails Day on June 4. National Upsy Daisy Day on June 8. National Red Rose Day on June 12. And those are just a few of the national days dedicated to celebrating, well, life. And, of course, it’s Pride MONTH! So, in a salute to summer, and everything else June has to celebrate, come take part in our Summer Kick Off Hunt! Guests will be given a map at the entrance that will help guide them through the Garden to various locations that naturally celebrate these days and more. Complete the calendar on the back of the map and win a prize, located at the kiosk in Palm Circle.
The hunt will culminate during the first official weekend of summer, June 24-26, during which we invite you to wear your best and brightest sun hats to the Garden. Don’t have a sun hat? You can purchase one of our new South Coast Botanic Garden branded sun hats at our kiosk in Palm Circle! Take a picture wearing your sun hat while taking the hunt, post it on Instagram with hashtag #SummerKickOffatSCBG and tag @scbgarden and you’ll be entered to win tickets to our brand-new Summer Series beginning this July! Not sure what the Summer Series is? Just know it’s something you won’t want to miss – the Garden after hours, food, drinks, entertainment and more! We’ll be providing more information soon, but one thing is for sure – it’s going to be a great summer!
The Garden relies on generous donations from our Members, visitors and community to keep access to our 87 acres open for all and to provide unique horticultural experiences that help people find connections with nature. Please help us continue this mission for years to come by considering a gift to the Garden. You can do so here.