The Butterfly of the Week is the Ruby-spotted swallowtail (also known as the Heraclides anchisiades). These butterflies are beautiful with black wings, ruby red markings, and a wingspan between 2.5 – 4 inches. While Ruby-spotted swallowtails can be found between southern Texas and Paraguay, you’ll also find several in the SOAR-Tropical Butterflies exhibit, which is why it’s our Butterfly of the Week! This species has been emerging from its pupa at a great pace, so you’re very likely to see one on your next visit to SOAR! Before you come, get to know the species with some fun facts.

Fun facts:

  • Ruby-spotted swallowtails are naturally found in rainforests, orchards and suburban zones.
  • On rare occasions, strays can be found up to Kansas, southeastern Arizona, and western Texas.
  • As caterpillars, they can be found eating the leaves of citrus trees.
  • Their estimated lifespan is about a month.
  • They are in the Papilionidae family, which also includes the cattleheart butterflies.

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